Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams and Latent Content

One dream I had that was reoccurring was probably about a year ago (few times in that year), I had a dream that my boyfriend of a year at the time was with me at a ranch of some sort with my friends and I. He owns a 92 Cadillac, it is quit beastly so in my dream he had fire come out of his exhaust and he knew that, so when my friends were standing behind his car he purposely started up the engine to burn my friends. I got mad at him of course because all my friends were hurt so than he got mad at me and said we needed to talk, I went with him around the corner and he said it was time to break up, I just went running and crying than I sat in the gravel somewhere and he came by me trying to comfort me but I just kept pushing him away. After that I woke up but another time I had that same exact dream except he didn't burn my friends with the fire he pushed them into this dangerous pile of chemicals which also burned them. And that would be t end again.

Interpretation: From dreammoods.com it says that if I was dreaming of someone burning alive that I'm being consumed of my own ambitions. But about the break up, it says that it is a way to see that our relationship is moving to the next level and it is just an end of something; leaving something behind but the start of something new or better.

Another dream I had was a few nights ago, I dreamt that I went to a family picnic with my dad and brothers and towards the end my dad and I went to a park but it was more of a rock park, where we could climb higher and higher. We later said our goodbyes and I woke up. However, I rarely see my dad because he just is not in the picture but his sister (my aunt) and my mom are best friends so once in awhile I see him and we catch up.

Interpretation: It says that it symbolized authority and protection. But the rock climbing symbolizes that I am not letting anything get in the way of my goals.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Baby Albert...reading and questions

#1.) I believe it did because Watson and Rayner knew that Albert would end being fearful of the rat and other white furry objects similar to that of the rat. Including a Santa Claus mask, rabbit, dog, and blocks but Albert reacted fearfully to all but the blocks so therefore, Watson and Rayner knew that that would happen after a few times of stricking the metal bar whenever Albert reached for it.

#2.) Albert began to become fearful to all white furry objects because of the white furry rat.

#3.) They paired the feared object which was the rabbit with more pleasant things like ice cream and other special attention as said in the reading.